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Master Practitioner Intercultural Development Inventory, IDI

Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®)

This assessment and follow-up engagements are famous for creating a more inclusive environment.


Understanding where you stand in your intercultural competence and the path to optimizing this further is essential for anybody moving abroad or in daily contact with another culture privately or in the workplace. It gives insights into our own unconscious biases.


This assessment sets itself apart by focusing on a theory-based psychometric evaluation. It is designed by Mitchell Hammer, and it will create awareness of how an individual experiences cultural differences and similarities and gives a direction in which to develop more intercultural competence. The IDI® is a cross-culturally valid and reliable instrument that creates a “worldview profile.” It will also identify issues limiting or facilitating the development of intercultural competence.


With the awareness gained through the IDI® Debrief, clients can reshape attitudes and consciously choose less biased perspectives resulting in higher inclusion, acceptance, and belonging. 

How the Intercultural Development Inventory® Assessment works

The Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) assesses intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities.


Intercultural competence has been identified as a critical capability in several studies focusing on the overseas effectiveness of international sojourners, international business adaptation and job performance, international student adjustment, international transfer of technology and information, international study abroad, and inter-ethnic relations within nations.



Step 1: The assessment

As your Intercultural Development Inventory® Qualified Administrator, I will connect you with the simple online assessment, which is a 50-item questionnaire available online that can be completed in 15–20 minutes.


Step 2: The debrief

Once the results are in, I will guide you through a 1:1 debrief session. During this personalized session, we will dive deep into your results and uncover a clear path for further optimizing your intercultural competence.

What clients say

Laura Reinke, LMFT
Assistant Lecturer, Human Social Services, United States

"I was thrilled to hear our organization was using the IDI as part of a cultural competence initiative. The IDI's unique individualized growth plan ensures each person has what s/he needs to grow in intercultural competence. During my IDI debrief with Sarah, she quickly identified my individual challenges and was able to understand them in context of my personal history.  It was clear that her wealth of experience in working with diverse populations afforded her a unique ability to listen and fully understand.  In a short time, I felt as if Sarah had known me my whole life and was able to direct me in concrete ways to personally grow in cultural competence!"


"We see things not as they are, but as we are."

Anais Nin

Working with Sarah as a global coach on Intercultural & Diversity Competence

As an Inspirational Executive leading from the front and working across the globe, Sarah noticed the requirement to upskill herself on Cultural Intelligence (CQ), adapt to new patterns, and transform her mindset to achieve consistently positive outcomes.


In our Hyperconnected global online world, we are in touch with other cultures every day. In these situations, having an optimized Intercultural & Diversity Competence is a superpower.


We need to be aware, acknowledge and respect other culturally engrained behaviors and have strategies to optimize interactions and build connections leading to successful business results. This allows for easier code-switching.


Often, we need to pay more attention to our effectiveness in Intercultural communication which can lead to many misunderstandings. 


Sarah has experience living and working in diverse cultural groups: individual and collective. She has gained a thorough understanding and openness towards deep cultural values, differences and similarities, and world views they have, impacting our lives.


Sarah is a Qualified Administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory®. She helps create awareness of how an individual experiences cultural differences and similarities (Cultural Sensitivity) and gives a direction to develop more intercultural competence. 


As a continuous learner, she is an active member of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, SIETAR Europe, and SIETAR India. She also is an active member of the Japan Intercultural Institute, JII.


Sarah creates a safe and non-judgmental environment where topics can be put on the Table.


Sarah leads with Empathy, Compassion, and Kindness.

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