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Awareness Assessments

We recognize that you know yourself the most, and we don't.

Even if we look at any of your reports, you are always the one who knows most about yourself and what you prefer your future to look like. It is your choice to own the results and take from it what is beneficial for you in this moment.


By working together, we invite you to get to your authentic goals faster.


We identified 3 impactful Awareness-creating Assessments with which we witnessed long-term, transformational benefits for people who consciously focus on maximizing their impact.


The insights gained are focused on different aspects of our lives and are combined with multiple follow-up sessions to solidify the learnings.


The Energy Leadership Index uncovers patterns in behavior, while the Intercultural Development Inventory® highlights cultural sensitivity. The Hogan focuses on predicting workplace performance using personality.

Master Practitioner Energy Leadership Index Assessment, ELI

Energy Leadership Index

An eye-opening assessment which uncovers patterns in behavior, resulting in transformations in relationships, confidence levels, better stress management, self-regulation and leadership skills. This assessment is a mirror that reflects your world. It will show you the unlimited Power of Choice you have.

Master Practitioner Intercultural Development Inventory Assessment, IDI

Intercultural Development Inventory®

Famous for creating awareness of how cultural differences and similarities are experienced. This assessment identifies issues limiting or facilitating the development of intercultural competence. The awareness gained results in higher inclusion, acceptance and belonging.


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The world's leading assessment in predicting workplace performance using personality. Helps businesses reduce turnover and increase productivity. Raises awareness for employees in how they might be perceived, on the bright side and the dark side of personality.



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